
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery results can be life-changing, but the recovery process is often a concern for many patients. The length and intensity of recovery depend on factors like the patient’s age, overall health, lifestyle habits, and the type of procedure they had done. Different procedures require different amounts of recovery time, ranging from several days to several months. Here is more information about how long it takes to recover from common plastic surgeries, including facelifts, breast augmentations, rhinoplasties, liposuction treatments, and tummy tucks:


A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that helps reduce wrinkles and drooping skin on the face. Recovery times vary for each person. Swelling and bruising usually subside after a couple of weeks. Patients can resume normal activities after several weeks. It may take up to several months before your face feels like it has returned to normal. During this recovery time, protect your skin from the sun and follow all post-operative care instructions from your surgeon. Results are not permanent and may require touch-ups or other treatments to maintain the desired look. Consult with your surgeon during recovery to determine the success of your facelift and any future operation plans.

Breast Augmentation 

Breast augmentations are surgical procedures that can enlarge, reshape, or enhance the fullness of the patient’s breasts. Recovery times for breast augmentations vary depending on the patient’s age, general health, and the type and size of implant used. For most patients, full recovery takes a couple of months. 

For proper recovery, take the time to rest and follow post-operative instructions. Limit physical activity for the first weeks, and avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting. Wear the provided post-operative bra as instructed until your surgeon can evaluate your post-operation results. Swelling, tenderness, and soreness around the breasts may persist for a couple of months. If you are experiencing sudden or severe pain or the incision sites become red, swollen, or hot to the touch, seek medical attention immediately.


Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure used to reshape or rebuild the nose. Swelling and bruising usually dissipate after one to two weeks. After this time, the full rhinoplasty results start to become visible. Your nose will continue to heal and may change shape slightly for the following several months. Because of this, it may take patients several months to feel completely satisfied with their results. During this time, your surgeon may recommend using a splint or tape to help encourage healing and reduce swelling.


Liposuction surgery procedures involve removing excess fat from various areas of the body. Recovery times can vary depending on how much fat is removed and the patient’s overall health. Full recovery can take a couple of months, during which patients may experience soreness and discomfort. Wearing compression garments immediately following surgery can help reduce swelling and aid in the healing process. Most swelling occurs within the first several weeks, then gradually subsides.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin from the patient’s midsection. Recovery time for a tummy tuck procedure can vary depending on the specific procedure type and the individual’s healing process. Full recovery can take six to eight weeks. Expect to take this time off of work and other regular activities to facilitate rest and healing. Swelling can last for several weeks to months. Tenderness and discomfort are normal and can last days to weeks. Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions to help improve the success of your recovery.  

Talk to Your Surgeon About Plastic Surgery Recovery 

Plastic surgery healing times can vary depending on factors like the type of procedure, the extent of the surgery, and the individual’s overall health. Minor procedures may require a few days of downtime, while extensive surgeries can take weeks or months of rest to heal fully. Talk to your surgeon before undergoing any procedures to determine your expected recovery time and post-op plans.

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