
Why You May Need Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery can eliminate double vision, reducing eye strain and headaches. Discover the reasons why you may require surgery and its numerous advantages:

Who Is at Risk for Developing Cataracts

Cataracts can affect individuals of all ages, but they usually occur later in life. In rare cases, some children may be born with congenital cataracts.

Smokers are much more likely to develop cataracts than non-smokers. The harsh chemicals in tobacco smoke can cause oxidative stress to the lens in the eye. This can lead to deterioration and the eventual formation of cataracts.

What Cataract Surgery Is

Cataract surgery, also known as lens replacement, is a minimally invasive procedure with a fast-healing time and minimal downtime. It is the only way to correct cataracts.

Lens replacement is a safe, fast, and effective procedure, with most patients returning to work within a few days. The process involves removing and replacing the clouded lens with a new, artificial lens.

Why You May Need Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a condition where the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This is like trying to look through a frosty or foggy window. The clouded vision caused by cataracts can make it challenging to perform daily tasks such as reading, driving at night, and recognizing facial expressions.

The following signs may appear with cataracts:

  • Vision that appears hazy, blurred, or dull
  • Worsening night vision
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light and glare
  • Requiring brighter light for activities such as reading
  • Noticing “halos” around lights
  • Needing frequent changes in eyeglasses or contact lens prescription
  • Colors appearing faded or yellowed
  • Double vision in one eye

A cataract in its early stages may not cause any noticeable issues, as the cloudiness only affects a small part of the lens. But as it grows and covers more of the lens, it can impact your vision.

The reduced light reaching the retina leads to blurry and dull vision. Cataracts can’t spread from one eye to the other, but it is common for individuals to develop cataracts in both eyes over time.

Wearing glasses or increasing lighting can help you see better at first. If your vision continues to deteriorate, cataract surgery may be necessary. Here are some of the ways cataract surgery can help:

Color Perception

After surgery, colors can appear more vibrant, allowing you to enjoy the world around you. Imagine seeing the beautiful colors of a sunset or the deep green of a forest with clarity and vibrance like never before.


The risk of car accidents decreases for patients who undergo cataract surgery. Cataract surgery can reduce glare and halos around lights, making it easier to see in low-light conditions and reducing eye strain. If you’ve been experiencing difficulty seeing while driving at night, cataract surgery can help reduce these symptoms and make you a safer driver.


Lens replacement surgery can improve one’s independence and ability to perform everyday tasks. With clearer vision, individuals can cook, shop, and do yardwork easily without relying on others for assistance.

Surgery can also help individuals climb stairs more safely, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. With improved vision, patients can read labels accurately and take their medications with less difficulty.

What To Expect After the Surgery

During the first few days after lens replacement surgery, temporary side effects such as blurred vision, light sensitivity, dryness, itching, burning, and redness may occur. These effects are usually temporary and should resolve within a few days.

Your eye doctor will prescribe eye drops or medications to manage any potential inflammation, infection, or increased eye pressure. Your doctor may recommend wearing an eye shield while sleeping to protect the surgical site.

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your recovery progress, the first being a month after the procedure. At this appointment, a new prescription for eyeglasses may be given based on the results of an eye exam.

Prevent Future Problems

Cataracts typically develop slowly over time. Early detection and treatment can help preserve your vision. Regular eye exams can help detect cataracts early so that you can get timely treatment.

Cataracts are a primary cause of blindness. If left untreated, cataracts will gradually obstruct light from reaching the eye. If you have untreated cataracts, inflammation in the eye can increase, and if left too long, cataracts can become harder to treat, eventually leading to vision loss.

To avoid these additional issues, consult your eye doctor promptly when you experience any symptoms of cataracts to find out if cataract surgery will benefit you.

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