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Tips and Tricks for Storage Drawer Utility

High-quality storage drawers can be a game-changing investment, helping you take control of your organisational system and improve workplace productivity.

By using storage drawers effectively, it’s possible to get more out of your space. You can look after important items while clearing floor space and enhancing your workflow. A tidy environment can make it much easier to produce great work!

If you’re looking for tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your storage drawers, you’ve come to the right place. Keep these helpful tips in mind!

Plan storage well

First, you must plan to use your storage drawers wisely! The best thing you can do is implement a clear, cohesive storage system that categorises items based on size, use, and so on and stores them accordingly.

By implementing a well-reasoned storage system, you can keep items safe from damage while ensuring that the items you store are easy to find when you need them. This can save you time and stress, as well as reduce the need to replace lost or damaged supplies.

Leave a perimeter

Ideally, it’s a good idea to leave a small perimeter around your storage drawers. This can help with air circulation, as well as give you space to move easily if you need to access or retrieve stored items. 

A storage perimeter doesn’t have to be big. A small perimeter is enough to give you enough space and improve the practicality of your storage system. This can reduce OH&S risks while uncluttering your space.

Use vertical space

Next, don’t forget the make the most of vertical space! Storage drawers can be carefully stacked and fixed in place. This means you can store items up high instead of letting storage clutter your floor space.

By taking advantage of vertical storage, you can create the illusion of a larger work environment. You’ll get bulky items out of sight and out of the way, creating a clearer, brighter space and reducing potential tripping hazards.

Avoid overpacking

You must avoid overpacking storage boxes and aim to distribute weight as evenly as possible. This can help you avoid cramming items in place and putting them at risk of damage. It can even help your plastic storage drawers last longer!

When storing items, avoid packing drawers too much, and try to be clever about weight distribution. Always aim to place heavier items at the bottom of your system and lighter items at the top. This way, heavy objects won’t be prone to falling and causing damage. 

Reassess regularly

Finally, you should always be confident about your storage or organisational system. There are always ways that you can improve your approach and get more out of your storage drawers, so don’t be afraid to reassess your system.

Over time, think about how well your storage system is working and whether there’s anything you could do to improve it. Make changes as needed to improve your workflow and enhance the productivity of your space.

Do you need great-quality plastic storage drawers? Shop the range today at RS

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